Early life and education

In his book, Happy, Happy, Happy, Robertson recalls that "It was the 1950s when I was a young boy, but we lived like it was the 1850s...but we were always happy, happy, happy no matter the circumstances."[1]
Halfway between Vivian and Hosston is the Robertson birth home, a restored log cabin. In September 2013, it was for sale at an asking price of $750,000. The property is owned by a Robertson cousin, Nathan Hale, who acquired it for an initial $55,000 investment c. 2009.[2]
College and football

When Paul Harvey confronted Robertson with a recruitment to play professionally for the Washington Redskins, he declined because football conflicted with his hunting. Besides, football was only about holding up his scholarship to him, while Bradshaw practically lived and breathed the sport.[7] Robertson put it in this way: "Terry went for the bucks, and I chased after the ducks."[3]
Degrees and first jobs
After receiving his bachelor's degree in physical education and a master's in education, Robertson spent several years teaching. He said while his students claim he was an excellent teacher, spending time in a classroom brought him to the conclusion that his time and talents would be better spent in the woods.[10]Early career and founding of Duck Commander
Career, decline, and salvation

The only thing that kept Kay in the marriage was the quote, "One man, one wife, for one life".[11]
In 1975, while Robertson was running a bar, his sister, Jan, asked a fellow Christian man to go to the bar with her to discuss the gospel with Robertson and hand out Bibles to the patrons. Robertson forced the man to leave, but allowed Jan to continue handing out Bibles and warned the patrons of the bar not to harm her. After a series of distressing incidents and a period of time spent away from his wife and children, Robertson returned and found the man who had come to the bar with his sister. They discussed Robertson's life, and after he learned of the forgiveness offered by Jesus and the promise of Heaven, Robertson repented of his sins and was baptized in the presence of his wife and children. He was 28 at the time.[12]
Duck Commander
An avid hunter, Robertson was "in the know" about everything related to hunting, especially that of duck hunting, and was extremely unsatisfied with the condition of duck calls of that day. He began to experiment with making a call that would produce the exact sound of a duck. He aimed at making a call for duck killers, not professional callers. He claimed that "No duck would even place in a duck calling contest." He invented his first Duck Commander call in 1972. He received a patent for this call and the Duck Commander Company was incorporated in 1973.[10] Today, the company of Duck Commander is a multi-million dollar empire, headed by his son, Willie Robertson.[13]Duck Dynasty

A rumor circulated that Robertson and his family were under pressure to eliminate their family prayer and the use of guns from Duck Dynasty. When asked about it, the family insisted it had never happened.[14][15]
On December 18, 2013 A&E indefinitely suspended Robertson following anti-homosexual comments made by the duck magnate published in GQ magazine. The network released the following statement: "We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson’s comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty. His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community.” Robertson rebutted that it is an intrusion on his freedom of speech and that he is "turntup about the firing". [17]
Personal life

Personal beliefs
Robertson is a devout Christian, being a member of the White's Ferry Road Church of Christ in West Monroe and is outspoken about his beliefs. He is a recovering alcoholic and left his wife Kay for a time before discovering Christ and being baptized.[19] In an interview prior to the release of his autobiography, he said:My message is to get human beings to love God, love their neighbor and for the life of me I just don't see the downside of human beings not being so mean to one another and actually care for one another and not steal from one another and not murder each other for their tennis shoes. That's the message I have. …Robertson is also strongly pro-life[21] and frequently speaks about the issue during public appearances.
America and the world, we have a love problem. I'm trying to get people aware of that. A loving person is not going to pick up a spear or a knife because when the Ten Commandments were written it was before guns, and God was saying, 'Look, quit murdering each other.' Now I'm just trying to say, 'Folks, let's try to love one another no matter what the color of their skin.'[20]
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